Friday, May 25, 2007

The Seventh Axiom Given in the New Book: ETHICS of the Divine Economy.

There are numerous ways that the content of this new book differs from other books about economics and ethics. Apart from the methodology used that places it among a select group of insightful books, ETHICS of the Divine Economy uniquely captures both the science and the art of economics and ethics.

This element of art mixed with the science is what makes it possible to open new vistas. And it is what satisfies the whole of the human intellect.

Here are the first seven of the fifteen axioms of this positive ethical system:

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

The third axiom is: The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and it is interwoven with ethics.

The fourth axiom is: Every human being decides what is best for himself (herself) and this decision is referred to as ‘subjective’ rather than as ‘selfish’ (a term which has too many biases associated with it).

The fifth axiom is: What catches the attention of human beings is the appearance of the names and attributes of God.

The sixth axiom is: The content of our actions is the conveyance of the names and attributes of God.

The seventh axiom is: Humans are interested in the science and the art of existence.

Consider this: Since humans are interested in both the science and the art of existence that is the knowledge that they seek. Only when both are present can explorations of reality be truly satisfying to the human mind.

Science is now under a new constraint that dictates its relevance. That constraint is to advance arm in arm with the art inherent in that particular science. If scientists cannot find the art in their science then all they are doing is rearranging existing knowledge. Those on the cutting edge of science are finding the art.

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