Thursday, June 5, 2014

Expanding the Economics Horizon!

Since the virtues are both ends and means there is a confusion about how they fit into economics and so there tends to be an artificial separation between ethics and economics. But the virtues are at the same time undeniably means and therefore an important subject of study within economics - which is the study of the means to attain the ends. For example, creativity is a means and trustworthiness is a means, etc.

The divine economy theory opens a new vista in economic science because it critically examines and successfully overcomes the artificial separation of economics and ethics. If the economics that you are practicing does not make it possible to analyze human virtues as means to an ends then it is time to expand your horizons! 

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Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Market Language Is Ethical.

The market is like a language that conveys information to everyone. Everybody consumes, so the voice that is heard most plentifully in the market is that of the consumer. That is good because if that voice is stifled or ignored then many, many ('the majority'; the 'masses') will suffer. The producers are relatively few but if they listen to the language spoken in the market they will hear what is wanted. Those that listen and then serve will succeed and will at the same time honor the sovereign voice of the consumer.

Those who oppose the market prevent the language of human communication and coordination from functioning properly and interfere with the advancement of social cooperation.

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