Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ethical Rules Are Universal Within A Society.

The point being made here is that individuals know that it is improper to take on massive amounts of debt when it so happens that it is a proven fact that there already is more debt than can be handled properly. Acting according to this ethic individuals have to economize, cut expenses, work harder, or if that still cannot solve the problem then bankruptcy has to be declared.

These ethical rules apply to everyone or else society will break down. That is the danger of the unethical practices of the out-of-control State. It violates the ethical rules that society is built upon and that sustain social cooperation. This priviledged, unethical interventionism undermines society.

There is no moral authority for economic intervention. Statism is destructive and cannot in any way be allowed to exist in a society of peace, liberty and prosperity.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Can Immorality Out-Compete Morality?

I am in no way conceding that morality is guaranteed to lose nor am I saying that the immoral approach therefore necessarily out-competes morality.

We are a victim of the time that we live in and we think that it’s now or never! It may be that the State is winning the battle but it will lose the war.

I find my studies of Austrian economics inspiring and confirming and my subsequent economic theorizing sheds light on the intellectual foundation that is necessary for ideological change, and since I am an Austrian economist it must follow that Austrian economics does indeed provide a scientific foundation for ethical economic policy.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Boundaries In Ethics Are Not Limited By The Human Mind.

Even though humans are rational that does not necessarily mean that the only source of ethics is from a human mind. It is like our discussion about ideas coming from the invisible world and brought to the visible world, as a discovery for instance. That invisible world is far greater than a single human mind can comprehend but tidbits may be captured.

In the same way the human mind may contribute bits and pieces to the way ethics is applied in this world but that does not mean that the human mind is the source of ethics. To take that approach is analogous to trying to use empiricism to capture that which is subjective.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Unity Of Ethics For All Professions And Occupations.

So it appears that our task is to bridge the intellect to the virtues and finally to the universal human reality.

It is part of the distinction of humans to have an intellect which can ignite and capture the spark of the entrepreneurial spirit - also described as 'seeking after truth.' Since all things in this contingent world are relative, so too is the degree of this quality (converting a latent entrepreneurial spirit into an active one) over time. Maturity is one word used to signify an optimal time.

Whether in deep contemplation or whether serving in a capacity of producing goods and services the human intellect will eventually come to the same realization - what constitutes value to humans is that which attracts humans. And further, what attracts humans are the virtues, the names and attributes of God, since humans are created in God's Image - attracted like a moth to the light. That is the origin of all value.

Since the objective ends of contemplation (lofty) and production (hands-on) are the same, neither can claim superiority. Relative superiority is only related to the degree of success in the mining of the virtues from the contingent world. A teacher may bring these virtues to the surface in a student. The virtues are valued. A business firm may produce a good or service that brings a virtue - beauty, for instance - to the surface. That virtue is valued.

There is no difference in station between the various ways that human beings bring virtues into play. The only distinction is how well it is done.

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Divine Economy Theory Is At The Cutting Edge Of Ethics And Economics.

'Economics doesn't judge your ends' nor does it judge the subjectiveness of your choice of means.

Economics provides insight into the best means to attain an ends but ultimately the choice still is subjective. After examining the economic knowledge an individual may subjectively decide that a means other than the 'optimal' one is the best. In case you haven't thought of it in this way it now becomes more obvious that the lines are blurred with regards means just as they are blurred with ends.

Since in reality ends and means, ethics and economics, are to a large extent inseparable, science has to advance along these lines and has advanced along these lines. Divine economy theory is at that cutting edge!

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

'Foreword' to ETHICAL ECONOMICS For Today And Tomorrow.

ETHICAL ECONOMICS For Today And Tomorrow . . .


It seems almost paradoxical that in a time when science and rationality are on the surge, when everything is measured, weighted, turned around, assessed in light of human physical and mental truths, someone by the name of Bruce Koerber decides to examine the economic problems of the planet beyond a visible, tangible, measurable and understandable horizon, in a dimension that scientists, engineers, economists, environmentalists’ do not dare to enter; a space where the finest and most intangible qualities of humankind emerge so powerfully.

Thousands of years have physically evolved human beings into its current status: beautiful and erect; millenniums of aesthetic and deep variations involving his whole being; and it has taken thousands of years for their intelligence to become as brilliant as it is now: millenniums of clashes between cultures, between different life styles and philosophies explaining the meaning of life and knowledge.

The times we live in are certainly times of transition from a life style based on “separations” and one which will have to be lived on fundamentals of “integration”. “Separations” between races, belief systems, ways of thinking, life-styles, customs, arts, sciences and “integrations” towards a planet on the way to becoming “one country” which should align its citizens towards a new vision that we can define as “integrated” or perhaps better reflected by the expression “ unity in diversity”.

From the scientific point of view it is now commonly accepted that no topic can be explored by a single scientific branch, as this used to be the “usual way of conducting things” which has produced “contradictions and troubles” and it should therefore be replaced by a new way of working known as “interdisciplinarity of sciences and their integration”.

Meaning that every problem in our universe should be seen from an interdisciplinary perspective, which is with the contribution of all sciences.

Yet this isn’t enough. We should add to this interdisciplinary contribution what derives from man’s “intangible” assets, which include his inner qualities, talents and spiritual gems.

Baha’u’llah, the founder of the Baha’i Faith, said in the second half of the eighteenth century: “Man is a mine rich in gems of inestimable value”. Among these gems we find intellectual and spiritual ones. Only through an integration of the latter can we finally enter a stage of maturity for humankind, where physical, scientific, economic and spiritual aspects will give an integrated vision of development and of the remedies for the mistakes that have been made in the past and that today we keep making, due to a lack of multidisciplinary vision.

Mr Koerber’s text offers a contribution to this new multidisciplinary vision: a contribution that brings the divine into a dry science such as economics. We certainly live in a time where it may seem like God has forgotten or, even, forsaken this planet.

Never have we been so far from a concept of life aligned with spirituality, never before have human beings been so far from the divine and instead devoting their lives mainly towards accumulating wealth, to use and satisfy one’s selfish desires. Never before has our planet witnessed such a major contradiction: the very rich on one side and the destitute on the other. A thick and tall wall divides these two categories of people, the rich being the minority, against the vast majority of the poor.

A wall that produces a distorted development where the masses of the world sink deeper and deeper into the dark abysses of hunger and misfortune, while limitless riches, which Pharaohs and Caesars or imperialistic powers of the last century have never dreamt of, are accessible to just a few managers of human affairs.

This increasingly tall and thick wall is the wall of modern economy. The last financial crisis confirmed once again how this barricade is not being affected and how rock-solid it remains.

It is instead a pressing necessity to bring back the science of economy to a wider, more holistic, more ethical, fairer vision that favours humankind.

Bruce Koerber has written an essay that addresses this issue, introducing the divine in economic science, allowing economics to re-emerge in all its power focused towards a balanced development of society.

It is a brave text, it goes against the trend, a contribution, an experiment, a project that allows the reader to reflect on this new perspective, a contribution rich with innovative ideas, which, if followed, will enable the rise of a new vision of “true knowledge”, which will contribute to the betterment of living conditions on this planet.

Giuseppe Robiati
Business Leader, Lecturer, and Author
Milan, Italy
March 20, 2010

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

The State Emerged And Encouraged Moral Relativism.

The schism in Christianity that occurred during the Protestant Reformation did not occur in a vacuum. It paralleled the other changes: changes in technology, and changes in the status of nationhood. In other words, it was not ever simply an issue of some pure Protestantism or Calvinism.

During that period of history the lust for power was up for grabs among many different ego-driven interpreters and that was the spawning ground for the ego-driven interventionists. It is unscientific to try to separate out some religious creed from this simmering stew as if you can restore its singular purity, in other words, ceteris paribus is a ridiculous concept to try to apply.

The State became the driving force and Protestantism and non-Arisotelian science were used for its purposes. Both laid the foundation for moral relativism.

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Natural Rate Of Interest And Mortality.

Laws of human action, discovered over the years by meditation specifically upon the methodological dualism of humans, serve as a repository of knowledge. As an example, the natural rate of interest is a measure of mortal man’s inherent impatience, the more mortal one feels the higher the natural rate of interest.

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