Saturday, June 21, 2008

Why Is Habeas Corpus Under Attack?

When the philosophy of classical liberalism was pushed into the background by the Protestant Reformation the western civilization entered into the era of relative justice.

Today the institutions that are supposed to be the foundation of justice are nothing more than man-made, error-based hotbeds of relative justice that are extremely vulnerable to corruption - political corruption and moral corruption.

Liberty is one of the litmus tests for justice and it is easy to see what a failure our system of justice is. Virtually every decision made by these moribund institutions screams of relativism and corruption.

That does not mean that justice does not exist. It means that you will not find it in the institutions or the societies that emerged from the depravity of the Protestant Reformation relativism that pushed classical liberalism into obscurity.

If you seek justice, I mean sincerely seek justice, you can find it in a pure form. After all, these are special times! One very good place to start is ETHICS of the Divine Economy.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It’s True: Economics And Ethics Are Inseparable!

The best way to confirm this truth in your mind is to read the fifteen axioms of the positive ethical system that I laid out in my book, ETHICS of the Divine Economy.


#1. Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

#2. Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

#3. The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and it is interwoven with ethics.

#4. Every human being decides what is best for himself (herself) and this decision is referred to as ‘subjective’ rather than as ‘selfish’ (a term which has too many biases associated with it).

#5. What catches the attention of human beings is the appearance of the names and attributes of God.

#6. The content of our actions is the conveyance of the names and attributes of God.

#7. Humans are interested in the science and the art of existence.

#8. Our human limit is the point where a higher kingdom is reached, one that is incomprehensible to the lower kingdom.

#9. The Word of God extends our knowledge of spiritual concepts.

#10. The first and foremost ethic for the divine economy is trust in God.

#11. The ethics between the macro and the micro level is seamless.

#12. Acquisition of virtues constitutes private property.

#13. Human rights are property rights and property rights are human rights.

#14. Production is a human creation, emulating God, the Creator.

#15. Pure entrepreneurship is the discovery of something from nothing.

There is no longer any wavering on this issue. It is what it is - and that is - economics and ethics are inseparable!

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Friday, May 9, 2008

I Am A Divine Economy Theorist!

This is one of the promotional photographs for my new book, MORE THAN LAISSEZ-FAIRE.
There may be other classical liberal scholars who are working to extend the economic theory that comes from the classical liberalism tradition, and more specifically, that follows along the lines of Thomas Aquinas and the Spanish Scholastics.
But unique to me is the divine economy theory that has as its foundation the Divine Economy Model ©, the Divine Microeconomy Model ©, and the Model of the Ethics of the Divine Economy ©.
Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ethics Operates in All Three States of Human Perception.

Words convey metaphorical meanings so these three states of perception are allegorical.

The human operating system is part of natural law. A human has a mind that is linked to action and that action is manifest in a quest to know and love its Creator (even if one is unaware of this élan vital).

The three states are:
1. Seeking
2. Asleep
3. Dead!

If in the state of seeking, ethics plays a vital role in helping to find the One sought.

If in the state of being asleep, ethics serves as a criteria to recognize the dawn of a new Day.

If dead, the bounty of ethics is what connects us to the Giver of Life.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Essence of the Ethics of the Divine Economy.

How do we assess the true worth of what we do and how we act? Having a standard is an enabling power and if it is universal it facilitates communication and cooperation.

This is the threshold where humans are dependent on a higher kingdom of creation. Just like the mineral kingdom of water depends on the higher kingdom of vegetation to generate the water cycle from soil to atmosphere and back to the earth so too humans depend on the Manifestations of God to bring ethics to our consciousness.

So it turns out that the economy serves us and is the product of our actions and it fulfills its purpose when humans act ethically. This is the essence of the ethics of the divine economy.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link: