Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fourteenth Axiom Given in the New Book: ETHICS of the Divine Economy.

As I draw nearer to the final axiom (the fifteenth) I feel like I am saying goodbye to a dear friend. It sure has been a great pleasure to introduce each axiom and to give you an idea about the foundational nature of each.

But, in reality, I am not saying goodbye. Rather I am making it possible for the world to say hello! And so with this slight change of perspective I am very excited that I am almost finished unveiling the fifteen axioms of the fully endowed positive ethical system. Never before has a fully endowed positive ethical system been clearly spelled out. Therefore I think this probably will turn out to be a monumental feat.

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

The third axiom is: The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and it is interwoven with ethics.

The fourth axiom is: Every human being decides what is best for himself (herself) and this decision is referred to as ‘subjective’ rather than as ‘selfish’ (a term which has too many biases associated with it).

The fifth axiom is: What catches the attention of human beings is the appearance of the names and attributes of God.

The sixth axiom is: The content of our actions is the conveyance of the names and attributes of God.

The seventh axiom is: Humans are interested in the science and the art of existence.

The eighth axiom is: Our human limit is the point where a higher kingdom is reached, one that is incomprehensible to the lower kingdom.

The ninth axiom is: The Word of God extends our knowledge of spiritual concepts.

The tenth axiom is: The first and foremost ethic for the divine economy is trust in God.

The eleventh axiom is: The ethics between the macro and the micro level is seamless.

The twelfth axiom is: Acquisition of virtues constitutes private property.

The thirteenth axiom is: Human rights are property rights and property rights are human rights.

The fourteenth axiom is: Production is a human creation, emulating God, the Creator.

This axiom is a more complex, a more advanced axiom of human action and ethics, an axiom that fulfills bits and pieces from the other axioms. Consider how this fourteenth axiom fulfills axiom five and six:
  • The fifth axiom is: What catches the attention of human beings is the appearance of the names and attributes of God.
  • The sixth axiom is: The content of our actions is the conveyance of the names and attributes of God.
The act of creation is irresistable to us and production is the expression of that desire. What we produce is intended to satisfy what it is that we desire. It is evident that we cannot separate ourselves from the human operating system that defines us.

We can deny the existence of God but that does not change the reality that God is closer than our life vein. We can ignore that we are created in the Image of God but every explanation in an atheistic human science is fragmented and not capable of a cohesive understanding.

This lack of a cohesive understanding is the reason that there has never been a fully endowed positive ethical system before. The divine economy theory made it unquestionably evident that science and religion are really merged in their common quest for understanding reality. It is upon that foundation (divine economy theory) that there now rests the ETHICS of the Divine Economy.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Thirteenth Axiom Given in the New Book: ETHICS of the Divine Economy

It has been awhile since I made a blog entry that continued to list the next axiom of the fifteen axioms of the positive ethical system developed in ETHICS of the Divine Economy. ( I have been developing several other somewhat related blogs: Education and Ethics, Money and Ethics, and
Economics and Religion.)

Each of the fifteen axioms is foundational so just because this one is the thirteenth it does not mean it is of lesser importance, in fact, this axiom is of extreme importance. As a refresher look through these axioms and as you make your way through them notice how each one is vital and significant.

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

The third axiom is: The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and it is interwoven with ethics.

The fourth axiom is: Every human being decides what is best for himself (herself) and this decision is referred to as ‘subjective’ rather than as ‘selfish’ (a term which has too many biases associated with it).

The fifth axiom is: What catches the attention of human beings is the appearance of the names and attributes of God.

The sixth axiom is: The content of our actions is the conveyance of the names and attributes of God.

The seventh axiom is: Humans are interested in the science and the art of existence.

The eighth axiom is: Our human limit is the point where a higher kingdom is reached, one that is incomprehensible to the lower kingdom.

The ninth axiom is: The Word of God extends our knowledge of spiritual concepts.

The tenth axiom is: The first and foremost ethic for the divine economy is trust in God.

The eleventh axiom is: The ethics between the macro and the micro level is seamless.

The twelfth axiom is: Acquisition of virtues constitutes private property.

The thirteenth axiom is: Human rights are property rights and property rights are human rights.

This is not only a logical conclusion but it is internally logical as well. The universality of human rights and the 'ideal' nature of some of types of human rights does not negate the fact that they belong to each person. They belong; in other words, they are a part of the property of each person. For example, my right to worship as I please belongs to me and constitutes a valuable part of what I possess as an individual. These basic human rights represent a portion of my property rights.

Regardless of what other property I acquire, my human rights are guaranteed. Notwithstanding, there have been murderous despots that tried to strip away these property rights. Ultimately humans are spiritual beings which makes these basic human rights inalienable even if the outcome is death.

In a similar manner the material and ideal 'things' that I peacefully acquire are manifestations of expressions of myself. As such they belong to me rightfully and constitute one aspect of my human rights.

Just as it is unethical to violate human rights it is just as unethical to violate property rights since these are reflections of and expressions of human rights.