Thursday, May 31, 2007

Eighth Axiom Given in the New Book: ETHICS of the Divine Economy.

At this point (axiom # 8) in the unfolding of the axioms of this positive ethical theory there is a great change in perspective. Science - here speaking of ethics and economics - has tried to operate in a sphere independent of religion. This great change in perspective just mentioned is the recognition that religion has something significant to contribute to science.

This is the inevitable consequence of the recognition of the simple fact that human beings are spiritual beings. The instant that is recognized the human reality expands and science has to also expand to stay relevant.

Here are the first eight of the fifteen axioms of this positive ethical system:

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

The third axiom is: The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and it is interwoven with ethics.

The fourth axiom is: Every human being decides what is best for himself (herself) and this decision is referred to as ‘subjective’ rather than as ‘selfish’ (a term which has too many biases associated with it).

The fifth axiom is: What catches the attention of human beings is the appearance of the names and attributes of God.

The sixth axiom is: The content of our actions is the conveyance of the names and attributes of God.

The seventh axiom is: Humans are interested in the science and the art of existence.

The eighth axiom is: The Word of God extends our knowledge of spiritual concepts.

Now the Word of God is seen in its proper perspective. It is what nourishes the human quest for knowledge of spiritual concepts and it is perfectly compatible with the human quest for knowledge of other types.

Since ethics is inseparable from economics and since ethics rests upon spiritual truths it is not possible to ignore the Word of God and still understand these sciences as they apply to human beings. Humans cannot be separated from their true reality, but wonderfully, they can be educated about their reality. And science is one aspect of that education.

Therefore science has to link itself to the spiritual concepts given in what is called the Word of God to be wholly educational. Such an education is then enlightening and civilization will advance as a result.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Seventh Axiom Given in the New Book: ETHICS of the Divine Economy.

There are numerous ways that the content of this new book differs from other books about economics and ethics. Apart from the methodology used that places it among a select group of insightful books, ETHICS of the Divine Economy uniquely captures both the science and the art of economics and ethics.

This element of art mixed with the science is what makes it possible to open new vistas. And it is what satisfies the whole of the human intellect.

Here are the first seven of the fifteen axioms of this positive ethical system:

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

The third axiom is: The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and it is interwoven with ethics.

The fourth axiom is: Every human being decides what is best for himself (herself) and this decision is referred to as ‘subjective’ rather than as ‘selfish’ (a term which has too many biases associated with it).

The fifth axiom is: What catches the attention of human beings is the appearance of the names and attributes of God.

The sixth axiom is: The content of our actions is the conveyance of the names and attributes of God.

The seventh axiom is: Humans are interested in the science and the art of existence.

Consider this: Since humans are interested in both the science and the art of existence that is the knowledge that they seek. Only when both are present can explorations of reality be truly satisfying to the human mind.

Science is now under a new constraint that dictates its relevance. That constraint is to advance arm in arm with the art inherent in that particular science. If scientists cannot find the art in their science then all they are doing is rearranging existing knowledge. Those on the cutting edge of science are finding the art.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

ETHICS of the Divine Economy Will Revolutionize Economics And Ethics!

I cannot withhold my excitement to announce that ETHICS of the Divine Economy is now available to you at the click of a mouse.

If you contact me ( I will send you segments of the book that will give you glimpses into its content and its significance.

I humbly offer this gift of scientific work on May 23rd as an act of servitude.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Sixth Axiom Given in the New Book: ETHICS of the Divine Economy.

This new book extends the merging of the science of ethics and of the science of economics that was hinted at in DIVINE MICROECONOMY: A Tapestry of Human Virtues. Not only are we attracted, mothlike, to the inherent names and attributes of God manifested by all things but we reciprocally express them.

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

The third axiom is: The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and it is interwoven with ethics.

The fourth axiom is: Every human being decides what is best for himself (herself) and this decision is referred to as ‘subjective’ rather than as ‘selfish’ (a term which has too many biases associated with it).

The fifth axiom is: What catches the attention of human beings is the appearance of the names and attributes of God.

The sixth axiom is: The content of our actions is the conveyance of the names and attributes of God.

Our actions are manifestations of the names and attributes of God! Can you see why it is impossible to separate ethics and economics?

Friday, May 18, 2007

The Fifth Axiom Given in the New Book: ETHICS of the Divine Economy.

What makes this new book revolutionary is the transformation of the science of ethics and of the science of economics. This is the inevitable consequence of the central identity of the divine economy theory that human beings are created in the image of God. Mothlike, we are attracted to His Light which can best be described conceptually as the names and attributes of God that are manifest in all things.

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

The third axiom is: The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and it is interwoven with ethics.

The fourth axiom is: Every human being decides what is best for himself (herself) and this decision is referred to as ‘subjective’ rather than as ‘selfish’ (a term which has too many biases associated with it).

The fifth axiom is: What catches the attention of human beings is the appearance of the names and attributes of God.

The inherent entrepreneurial nature that is part of the human operating system changes from latency to action the instant these names and attributes of God are recognized. It is no wonder that the driving force of the economy is active entrepreneurship!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Divine Economy Ethics Axiom # 4: Subjective Not Selfish!

Please forgive me for repeating this introductory paragraph. I will soon write more freely and creatively to introduce the axioms. I am currently pressed for time since I am in the final publication stage of my new ebook entitled ETHICS of the Divine Economy.

Here is the next axiom in the fully endowed positive ethical system that I developed (the theory is referred to as the ethics of the divine economy). This deductive system rests upon fifteen clearly stated axioms. I will list the axioms cumulatively each and every time that I introduce the next one, so that way you will be able to see how the ethical system unfolds.

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

The third axiom is: The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and it is interwoven with ethics.

The fourth axiom is: Every human being decides what is best for himself (herself) and this decision is referred to as ‘subjective’ rather than as ‘selfish’ (a term which has too many biases associated with it).

Imagine how significant this is! This fallacy that humans make decisions selfishly leads to the justification for intervention! But in truth, humans make decisions subjectively which leads to the complete opposite conclusion - that noone can make those decisions for them and that to impose external and arbitrary decisions is an injustice!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Divine Economy Ethics Axiom # 3: Redefined Praxeology

Here is the next axiom in the fully endowed positive ethical system that I developed (the theory is referred to as the ethics of the divine economy). This deductive system rests upon fifteen clearly stated axioms. I will list the axioms cumulatively each and every time that I introduce the next one, so that way you will be able to see how the ethical system unfolds.

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

The third axiom alters the blueprint of the foundation of praxeology. The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and is interwoven with ethics.

With this small but very significant change both the science of economics and the science of ethics are reborn. The future of both of these sciences is glorious and barely discernable since it will be so different from what 'passes' as science in those disciplines today.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Second Axiom of the Ethics of the Divine Economy.

I will continue to unfold to you a fully endowed positive ethical system: the theory is referred to as the ethics of the divine economy. This deductive system rests upon fifteen clearly stated axioms.

I will list the axioms cumulatively each and every time that I introduce the next one, so that way you will be able to see how the ethical system unfolds.

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

This second axiom will serve as a confirmation to you. That is why you are exploring the world of thoughts, such as the science of ethics. But it is as basic and all-pervasive as the first axiom. It is undeniably human.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Launching the Divine Economy Ethics Blog!

This is the beginning of something very exciting. For the first time, as far as I can tell, there is now a fully endowed positive ethical system, a theory referred to as the ethics of the divine economy.

This deductive system rests upon fifteen clearly stated axioms. Logically, then, the first fifteen entries to this blog will introduce these axioms, one by one.

I dedicate the development of this positive ethical system to Murray Rothbard whose work in ethics laid the groundwork for me, and inspired me to attempt a merging of economics and ethics.

The first axiom is:

Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

I will list each axiom cumulatively each time that I introduce the next one so that you will be able to see how the ethical system unfolds and how it becomes all-encompassing by the time the fifteenth axiom is given!