Friday, November 4, 2011

Artificial Separation Of Ethics And Economics.

What people value about any ‘thing’ is its essence, for example, someone may purchase an item because it makes them more productive, or because it makes them more serene, or it makes them more beautiful. These qualities are what makes the ‘thing’ valuable and it is sought out by humans because these qualities are able to be perceived by humans. These qualities or virtues or attributes of God are foundational to value (in other words, that is why they are valuable) and therefore they are part of economic science unless, that is, there is an artifical separation between ethics and economics!

Means and ends are not necessarily perfectly distinct and the overlapping of means and ends in the real world of human action makes it possible to separate economics and ethics only artificially since there is the intertwining of means and ends almost at all times.
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Monday, October 31, 2011

Empiricism Is The Plague Of These Dark Ages Of Economics.

Not only has the weakness of truth-seeking in this - the Dark Ages of economics - yielded a disjointed separation of ethics and economics but it has also resulted in economics being stuck in the rut of empiricism.

Sure, choosing an erroneous methodology for the study of economics diverts academic resources into the muck and mire of theoretical irrelevance, even despite the leeway to interpret in ways that serve the ego-driven interventionists. This institutionalization of this erroneous methodology and this ego-driven interventionism seriously magnifies the problem.

For example, as a consequence of using empiricism people are treated as data and the inevitable outcome somewhere down the road is that data can be manipulated or even erased. The senseless wars and bombings are evidence of the outcome of this kind of thinking, which can be classified as diseased thinking

The erroneous methodology of empiricism in human sciences is like the plague in these - the Dark Ages of economics.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ethics And Economics Are Scientifically Merged Together.

We have now entered into a new era in economic science. No longer are we stuck in the positivist mode. No longer is it ontologically necessary to stop at the intellectual capacity of humans. To see how ethics and economics have now been merged I suggest that you take a look at Ethical Economics for today and tomorrow . . .

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

True Economic Science Includes Ethics.

This phenomenon is unquestionably a result of a socialist mentality which is not unrelated to the ego-driven interpretation that occurs as a result of empiricism. And to go further, economics that is separated from ethics is unscientific since it removes the true nature of the human reality; with the consequence being a lack of validity, thereby opening the door wide for the ambitious ego-driven interpreters and interventionists.

That is why free market economics is more than laissez-faire. It is not just a principled argument, and in fact it is beyond mere intellectual argument because it is in its true nature a divine institution that is subject to corruption by any and all human economic intervention.

That corruption shows up as bad fruits such as the ones noted above with regards Gresham's Law of Manners.

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Empirical Economics Is Stagnant, Immoral and Approaching Death!

The birdbrain empiricists think that the answer to the objection to aggregates is to disaggregate. Mainstream economics can only achieve aggregation or disaggregation by removing the essence of the human being out of economics. Of course ethics, then, has no relevance, nor does justice!

Classical liberalism, Austrian economics, and the divine economy theory restore the human essence into the science of economics and at its cutting edge it also restores the inseparability of economics, ethics and justice!

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ethics And Justice And Economics Are Inseparable.

Ethics and justice are not separate from economics nor from other aspects of the human civilization equilibrium. Just as intervention corrupts and distorts the economy causing it to be a hampered economy with reprecussions extending out to affect everyone in the short run and in the long run, so too does the corruption of intervention poison the ethics of a society and make a mockery of the justice of a society.

The boneheaded empiricists and others who claim that economics is 'value-free' and then proceed to artificially compartmentalize the elements of human civilization into boxes labelled 'economics' or 'law'; these are the ones who promulgate fragmentation and fragmentation is what causes anxiety and other mental and spiritual illnesses.

The point being: 'human civilization equilibrium' sustains the human reality optimally. Human inquiry into its a priori functioning is valid as a science but human intervention (the finite mind messing with what is infinite and beyond finite comprehension) is purely arbitrary and ego-driven and harmful in the short run , the long run, and always in some way harmful to every human being.

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