Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fifteenth Axiom Given in the New Book: ETHICS of the Divine Economy.

A positive ethical system has never before been set forth so clearly. In fifteen specific axioms a groundwork is laid which connects the individual to the economy and extends ethics into the realm of both science and religion.

Now when you read and ponder the axioms, starting at the beginning, you will be able to see the whole picture since this blog entry identifies the fifteenth and last axiom. I am open to the possibility that there are other axioms, but regardless, these fifteen represent a complete positive ethical system, fully able to serve as a basis for the economy of the future.

The first axiom is: Humans carry their thoughts into the realm of action.

The second axiom is: Being a seeker after truth is part of the human operating system.

The third axiom is: The definition of praxeology used in the divine economy theory is ‘purposeful action by spiritual beings’ and it is interwoven with ethics.

The fourth axiom is: Every human being decides what is best for himself (herself) and this decision is referred to as ‘subjective’ rather than as ‘selfish’ (a term which has too many biases associated with it).

The fifth axiom is: What catches the attention of human beings is the appearance of the names and attributes of God.

The sixth axiom is: The content of our actions is the conveyance of the names and attributes of God.

The seventh axiom is: Humans are interested in the science and the art of existence.

The eighth axiom is: Our human limit is the point where a higher kingdom is reached, one that is incomprehensible to the lower kingdom.

The ninth axiom is: The Word of God extends our knowledge of spiritual concepts.

The tenth axiom is: The first and foremost ethic for the divine economy is trust in God.

The eleventh axiom is: The ethics between the macro and the micro level is seamless.

The twelfth axiom is: Acquisition of virtues constitutes private property.

The thirteenth axiom is: Human rights are property rights and property rights are human rights.

The fourteenth axiom is: Production is a human creation, emulating God, the Creator.

The fifteenth axiom is: Pure entrepreneurship is the discovery of something from nothing.

Alertness and discovery are the hallmarks of pure entrepreneurship. Before something is discovered it lies in potential, invisible and unknown. From that veiled realm a pure entrepreneur brings to light something new and unfathomed. Before discovery it did not exist, for all intents and purposes, but after discovery it begins to make a difference in the world.

Does pure entrepreneurship require any earthly station? Alertness is the only qualification! Can a poor person become wealthy? Yes, by the grace of God!

Understanding what pure entrepreneurship is and how it works demonstrates another reason why interventionism is harmful. Barriers created by the interventionists impede the flow of the grace of God and everyone suffers. Without human intervention the full potential of the divine economy exists in latency, simply awaiting the alertness of the pure entrepreneurial spirit. .

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