Saturday, December 22, 2012

Ethical And Economic Social Cooperation.

Social cooperation to achieve the greater good is natural and ethical and the use of capital is extremely vital since it is the most limiting economic factor. There are always plenty of ideas but not enough capital to direct towards accomplishing them. Economics is the study of the best means to attain the ends which is helpful in deciding which ideas are given the capital needed to bring them to fruition.

In an ethical society the civilization is ever-advancing and this is because social cooperation is a source of both justice and unity, but not in some miraculous, instantaneous way. It comes about through the flow of knowledge and the best means for the knowledge of both the material and the ideal to flow is through an unhampered market process. It involves transformation which is also a part of the continual development of ethics over time.

Those who think that ethics is fixed and that their vision is the standard to be upheld simply ignore the dynamic processes that constitute an ever-advancing civilization. There are some certainties though and one is that ethics and economics are inseparable and when this is understood and respected social cooperation will be much more of a reality. Then the latent potentials of humankind will be brought to the surface.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Self-Interest: An Unscientific Middle Ground Stance In Economics!

Contemporary economic science is exhibiting the consequences of its own deceitfulness and/or ignorance! Because "economists" pretend that ethics can be and must be dealt with separately, economic science rots at its very core!

To avoid recogniton that humans make decisions subjectively and to avoid the adoption of subjectivism as the correct scientific method for the study of human sciences, economists have devised a middle ground stance and classify humans as making decisions that are in their self interest.

This is middle ground between regarding humans as inherently selfish and simply accepting that humans act subjectively.

You may ask: "What harm is there in this?"

It disregards the human right of individuals to make decisions along the spectrum of ethics even if those decisions are not perfect and it stifles the learning process that is all a part of the unfoldment of ethics in an ever-advancing civilization.

When "economists" classify these decisions as being made in self-interest it opens Pandora's Box. First of all, the "economists" who fail to honor the subjective nature of human decision-making have their own self-interest in being the "analyst" of self-interest! In their "judgment" it might be "better" and more in line with "self-interest" if decision A were made instead of decision B. In reality these "economists" are really just interventionists not economists!

To accept that human beings have the human right to make decisions subjectively would eliminate the 'economics profession' as it now exists because interventionism by those who pretend to know what represents "self-interest" would no longer be acceptable in the scientific field of economics.

Knowledge is unique to each individual and a person at a particular time or place cannot do any better than making decisions subjectively. One thing that is certain is that everyone benefits from social cooperation and so over time all subjective decisions will be modified (learning from earlier decisions). This is the natural process of the execution and the formation and the advancement of ethics.

But contemporary "economics" in these Dark Ages of economics will remain deceitful and/or ignorant until the inseparability of ethics and economics is recognized.

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Scientism Distorts; Even Those Using The Scientific Method Of Subjectivism.

Scientism is not only a false extension (inappropriately) into a field of study (as described by Fredrick Hayek in his 1952 Counter-Revolution of Science and reprinted in volume 13 of the Collected Works) but it is also even and again more subtle in its exclusion of appropriate science into its midst! Hence, for example, we see entrenchment and stubborn resistance towards subjectivism in the human sciences. I would venture to say that an even greater harm is done (and it is even done by those who recognize subjectivism) by claiming a false separation between ethics and economics. It is a 'scientism-like' attitude towards the new scientific advancements that clearly demonstrate that ethics and economics cannot be separated. What you get when they are separated is the mess that we see all around us - unabashed interventionism by the ego-driven.

The present-day economic problems cannot be resolved without using a scientific method that recognizes the inseparability of ethics and economics!

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

There Is A New Advancement In The Divine Economy Theory.

Even though I frequently add comments that are stimulated by issues that come up in the current news and that these sometimes are new perspectives - maybe not thoroughly covered in the divine economy theory book series - these newly discovered advancements are not comprehensive.

The fact of the matter is that I am now in a marketing stage. From 2005 until the summer of 2012 I was dedicated to developing and writing the foundational literature of the divine economy theory. It basically 'came full circle' from macroeconomics to microeconomics to ethical economics to economic justice. Of course the science can and will continue to advance but my focus changed towards marketing the products and the theory.

But I encountered several inspiring and informative pieces over the last week and I also re-encountered an inspiring piece which when I encountered it in the past I missed its significance!

When I show you the very potent segment of the quote you probably will not recognize its import since I assume that you have yet to be familiar with the divine economy theory or to be able to deeply comprehend the foundation of the theory:
". . . the love of God, the axis around which souls revolve in their way and supplication to God." (Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 363)
Reducing it further; "the love of God, the axis around which" puts it into terms that make it interchangeable with the divine economy theory models. Once that becomes possible then the potency of the models increases exponentially and the thrill of contemplation and meditation on the manifold and resplendid meanings of these potent words begins to bloom.

Initially I thought I could describe this advancement in a blog entry but the most limiting factor is the graphics capability of blogs. I have determined that an adequate description of the advancement will require modifying the narrative of the potency of 44 divine economy theory diagrams.

And so the main purpose of documenting this advancement is to make it known that - should I die before I have a chance to incorporate these advancements into updated editions of my books - there is an incredible new element that makes the divine economy theory even more exciting and applicable to the human action of purposeful spiritual beings.
Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Are The "Scientists" Searching For Where Ethics Kicks In?

It is true that happiness is an ends and it may be the ultimate ends for individuals but ends like means have intermediary stages for whatever reason (primarily because humans do not have perfect knowledge - the world is one of uncertainty). And so humans make choices of means and ends (imperfectly) and they make them subjectively.

In many instances the means and the ends are closely associated and the distinction between them is fuzzy at best. Peace, for example, is an ends and it is a means. When 'economists' apply their arbitrary and artificial distinction between these - to examine the economic ramifications of choosing peace as a means (economics being the study of the means to attain an ends) - they are flummoxed by such a means! The closer the 'economist' is to being an empiricist the more flummoxed the 'economist' is! The fall back position is to stop the 'scientific' or more specifically the 'economic' inquiry and examination.

Has the limit been reached? Is that what everyone says and thinks? Is that where the literature seems to draw the line? Is going further nothing but metaphysics?

Well, I made a discovery and I used my technical training in classical liberalism to penetrate this fuzziness. No one has to accept this statement blindly. Nor should they discount it blindly!!!

The quest here is to see if ethics and economics are separable or inseparable?  I have made an original and significant contribution to this quest - as a result of my own quest for a better understanding - and all I can do is to bring it to your attention (and the attention of whoever else is exploring this scientific realm).

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Production Theory Has A Natural Law Foundation.

Production is an essential part of human beings by natural law. Humans aspire to be a creator since they are 'created in His Image.' Yet humans comprehend only this mortal world and therefore are subject to the constraint of time. As subjective beings they value time based on the cultural factors (say peace vs. war) and personal factors (alone vs. having descendents, as one example) which influences time preference which then provides the foundation for the capital structure of that society.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ethical Economics Is What The World Is Crying For!

What would attract more attention to economics is the removal of the artificial separation between economics and ethics. Who wants to learn about something that is divorced from ethics? It is no wonder that economics and economists are viewed as irrelevant or even self-serving. 

As long as economic science pretends that this separation exists humankind will remain in the Dark Ages of economics which is plaguing the world with the silly nonsense of the imaginary world created by economists, all in the name of wertfrei.

Now is the time to discover the new economic theory that is built upon the classical liberalism tradition. The divine economy theory is the new economic theory that recognizes the inseparability of economics and ethics.
Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Women & Men Equally Qualified To Study Divine Economy Theory.

It is an indisputable fact that women have been deprived of equal education throughout history and that is the only reason for the differences between the accomplishments of men and women. In a way that education gap is still a burden for women because the starting point for women generally lags behind, requiring exceptional determination and perserverence and courage to achieve equality and the associated respect.

But the divine economy theory is new upon the scientific and moral horizon. There is therefore no head start or advantage for either man or woman.

This is extremely exciting news both in terms of justice and for the possibility of a social experiment. Will women excel and even prove to have a degree of superiority in the concepts and principles that constitute the divine economy theory? Will the societal transformation that results from the flow of knowledge that is explained in the divine economy theory demonstrate that the capacity of women is very great?

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

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