Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Divine Economy Ethics Relieves The Burden!

What will be the description of human economic life when the divine economy theory becomes recognized as the truest economic science (because it combines subjectivism and the human spiritual reality)? I will tell you what I mean by it after I answer the question with the reply: "Life is simple."

One of the chief reasons life is simple in a community or in a world where the divine economy theory is practiced is because of the role of ethics. By simple I do not mean primitive in any way.

The days of primitive existence are fading away but the difference between what is happening under interventionism and what will happen with the divine economy theory in operation has to do with materialism. Under interventionism all lifestyles become secondary to the materialism driven by intervention. Within an economy operating according to the divine economy theory all lifestyles become refined but remain intact. This diversity actually manifests itself economically as a higher degree of division of labor.

Returning to the reply: 'Life is simple.' Consider the difference in human cooperation when unity and peace are the ends universally chosen and all the wonderful natural and human resources are seen as the means to achieve it. Notwithstanding - the diversity of ability and willingness that leads to the acquisition of wealth does not create a burden or an ethical dilemma.

The threshold that serves as an ethical indicator is 'Life is simple.' If wealth begins to take on the characteristics of a burden then it is recognized as no longer facilitating the attainment of the ends - unity and peace. These resources then will voluntarily be freed up - thereby relieving the burden - and these resources will be channeled in a direction that serves as a better means towards the attainment of the universally chosen ends of unity and peace.